The swimming pool sector is a dynamic market that is experiencing constant growth, driven by the development of construction techniques and equipment used, not to mention new regulations aimed at improving quality standards. The highest priority in the pool is always to keep the water hygienically safe and pleasantly crystalline. Thanks to specific filtration and disinfection systems for swimming pools, it is possible to permanently maintain water quality.

Aliaxis provides innovative solutions, perfect for controlling the circulation and analysis of water in swimming pools and dosing of products for its disinfection.

When performance is everything, Aliaxis accreditations are a guarantee: in 2016, we supplied the components installed for water treatment in 18 tanks built for the pools of the Olympic Games in Rio de Janeiro. Due to the high quality and speed of installation, in 2017 our solutions for the pool sector were also chosen for the installation of all facilities for the XVII FINA World Swimming Championships in Budapest and the same choice was confirmed in 2019 for the XVIII edition in Gwangju.

Discover Aliaxis solutions for all types of deployments

From picturesque designer pools to the most famous pools of international sporting events, but also prestigious spas, efficient private pools or large water parks; for every type of realization you will find the ideal combination of products selected from the wide range of the Aliaxis portfolio, not only for in-pool equipment but also for ancillary services, come and discover our offer...

Industrial distribution systems
Industrial distribution systems
Industrial distribution systems
Industrial distribution systems
Zainstalowane produkty FIP wykonane z PVC-U


PVC-U systems are the ideal product range for industrial fluid distribution. They provide excellent performance at operating temperatures up to 60°C.

Zainstalowane produkty FIP wykonane z PVC-C


PVC-C systems are robust, stable and guarantee optimum mechanical resistance during use. The use of Corzan™, which is obtained by chlorinating a homopolymer PVC, guarantees high chemical resistance.

Zainstalowane produkty FIP wykonane z PP-H


PP-H plastic is widely used in the construction of industrial process lines as it is highly resistant to chemicals. These systems operate over a wide temperature range, making them suitable for handling hot, aggressive liquids.

Zainstalowane produkty marki FIP wykonane z PVDF


The PVDF material offers outstanding mechanical, physical and chemical resistance. It is characterised by stable performance during transport of industrial liquids in the temperature range from -40°C to +140°C.

Montaż systemu elektrooporowego marki Friatec


Our range of polyethylene (PE) products are ideal for building piping systems for a wide range of applications. These solutions provide excellent performance at operating temperatures up to 60°C.

Rotametry pomiarowe dla sieci przemysłowych marki FIP

Rotameters and flow meters

Measuring and control instruments are essential in a wide range of applications where it is important to ensure adequate flow rates of liquids and gases in pipeline systems.

Automatic fittings

All valves, two or three-way, in the Aliaxis range can be driven by electric or pneumatic actuators, meeting the requirements of the automation and flow control market.


The new Aliaxis product range guarantees toughness and durability. The combination of PVC plastic and additives has created a new advanced polymer alloy that can meet the needs of the water industry.

3+ Backing Ring

Aliaxis has designed the innovative 3+ Backing Ring, which combines unique lightness and exceptional mechanical strength thanks to its optimised design.

FLS F6.50 bluetooth rotor flow transmitter

The new FLS F6.50 flowmeter is a rotor-based device and can be used for flow measurement of any type of solids-free liquid.

Our contacts for industrial piping systems

István Bibliák
Sales Representative Industrial Piping Systems - Eastern-Hungary
+36 30 653 1162

Gergely Faddi
Sales Representative Industrial Piping Systems - Western-Hungary
+36 30 670 4004