The corrosion inertness offered by FIP-branded polyvinyl systems allows water flows to be managed safely and without maintenance schedules.
High energy efficiency
The high surface finish of PVC-U and PVC-C piping combined with the optimized fluodynamics of the connection elements allows for minimized pressure drop in favor of low energy consumption.
Ease of installation
The convenience of chemical welding offers a unique advantage in installation as it does not require specific, expensive and heavy tools for assembly.
High chemical resistance
Polyvinyl chlorides offer remarkable chlorine stability and a barrier to the proliferation of legionella bacteria.
Pool water
Safe and effective water conveyance is critical to the proper operation of the pool. In accordance with UNI 10637:2016, a proper recirculation system must be designed to ensure effective homogenization of pool water and requires that the piping of type A and B pools (public pools) be sized to have pressure drops <40 mm/m for suction sections and <70mm/m for discharge sections.
These specifications can also be applied in the case of Type C and D pools (curative and private pools) to ensure high water quality and hygiene. With the PVC-U piping and fitting system, proper handling of chlorinated water at room temperature can be ensured.
Thermal waters
The high temperature and high concentration of mineral salts require a solution that can ensure high system efficiency while maintaining the beneficial properties of thermal water. With the PVC-C piping and fittings system, it is possible to ensure the proper handling of any high temperature thermal water.