TemperFIP100® Pressure pipe PN16 SDR 13,6 - S6,3

PVC-C Corzan® pressure pipe according to standards EN ISO 15493 and DIN 8079/8080, light grey RAL 215, standard length 5m.

Pipes under pressure with cold chemical weld jointing systems (solvent welding) using suitable solvent cement (TemperGLUE WELD-ON) and primer-cleaner.
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Reference d DN
PIPEC13016 16 10
PIPEC13020 20 15
PIPEC13025 25 20
PIPEC13032 32 25
PIPEC13040 40 32
PIPEC13050 50 40
PIPEC13063 63 50
PIPEC13075 75 65
PIPEC13090 90 80
PIPEC13110 110 100
PIPEC13160 160 150
