RVUOC - Sediment strainer DN 15:50

Sediment strainer with fixed flanges, drilled EN/ISO/DIN PN10/16.

The RV sediment strainer limits the passage of any solid particles present in the fluid by means of a strainer.

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Reference H d DN g
RVUOC020E 163 20 15 360
RVUOC025E 193 25 20 495
RVUOC032E 211 32 25 660
RVUOC040E 244 40 32 1000
RVUOC050E 277 50 40 1320
RVUOC063E 331 63 50 1910


Reference H d DN g
RVUOC020F 163 20 15 360
RVUOC025F 193 25 20 495
RVUOC032F 211 32 25 660
RVUOC040F 244 40 32 1000
RVUOC050F 277 50 40 1320
RVUOC063F 331 63 50 1910
  • Connection system for solvent weld, threaded and flanged joints
  • Strainer mounted on an easily removed support that facilitates the cleaning or replacement
  • Valve material compatibility (PVC-C) with water conveyance, drinking water and other food substances according to current regulations
  • Can be maintained with the valve body installed
