RBM PN6 SDR 17,6 - S 8,3 - Reducer

Concentric reducer, short spigot, for butt welding PN6 SDR 17,6 - S 8,3.

Series of fittings designed for conveying fluids under pressure with a weld connection system (butt welding).
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Reference Z
RBM17050032 55
RBM17050040 55
RBM17063032 65
RBM17063040 65
RBM17063050 65
RBM17075050 71
RBM17075063 71
RBM17090063 80
RBM17090075 91
RBM17110063 105
RBM17110075 96
RBM17110090 100
RBM17160110 129
RBM17180090 145
RBM17200160 145
RBM17225160 162
RBM17280200 200
RBM17280225 200
RBM17315225 238
RBM17315250 230
RBM17315280 230
RBM17355200 160
RBM17355225 145
RBM17355250 130
RBM17355280 120
RBM17355315 100
RBM17400225 170
RBM17400250 155
RBM17400280 140
RBM17400315 125
RBM17400355 105
RBM17450280 165
RBM17450315 150
RBM17450355 130
RBM17450400 105
RBM17500315 175
RBM17500355 155
RBM17500400 135
RBM17500450 110
RBM17560400 165
RBM17560450 140
RBM17560500 115
RBM17630400 200
RBM17630450 175
RBM17630500 150
RBM17630560 120
RBM17710500 195
RBM17710560 165
RBM17710630 130
RBM17800560 210
RBM17800630 175
RBM17800710 135

*resale products
