Solvent weld fittings - stubs.

Serrated face stub PN 10/16 with solvent weld socket, for use with stubs QPV/QRV and flat gasket (for gasket sizes, see QHV).

Series of fittings designed for conveying fluids under pressure with a cold chemical weld jointing system (solvent welding) using a suitable solvent cement and cleaner-primer.
Go back Data sheet
Reference Z Sp d DN g
QRV040 3 8 40 32 40
QRV050 3 8 50 40 62
QRV063 3 9 63 50 105
QRV075 3 10 75 65 160
QRV090 5 10 90 80 275
QRV110 4 12 110 100 445
QRV125 5 13 125 125 750
QRV140 5 14 140 125 790
QRV160 4,5 16 160 150 1140
QRV200 5,5 18 200 200 1840
QRV225 5,5 25 225 200 1750
QRV250 8,5 20 250 250 2140
QRV280 14,5 32 280 250 3650
QRV315 13 32 315 300 4950
QRV355 8 29 *355 350 5400
QRV400 12 26 *400 400 6500
QRV450 8 19 *450 450 5200
QRV500 - 18 *500 500 3000

I: IIP 122
* Resale products
